Tag: Kevin Ford

Group Shows

Savoring medium-rare painting at Subtitled NYC

Contributed by Zach Seeger / The group exhibit “Medium Rare” – on display at Subtitled NYC, a second-floor Greenpoint gallery with a skylight – features paintings by Amanda Ba, Jacob Patrick Brooks, Marcus Civin, Sam Cockrell, Kevin Ford, Annette Hur, and Kate Liebman. It was curated – or rather, prompted – by Jaejoon Jang, who instructed the artists to select examples of what they considered unfinished work. Without knowledge of this specification, it would be difficult for a viewer to consider the pieces unfinished. The overarching cohesiveness of the show makes each one seem resolved. In light of Jang’s command, though, they can also be seen as hovering just outside of the artists’ respective oeuvres, meeting only some of their criteria for finished work.


Essex Flowers: Waiting to be activated

It saved me once too often,You’d never know how often.I’ve pictured you in coffins:My baby in a coffin.But I love it when you blink your eyes. — Distortions, by Clinic Contributed by Zach Seeger / How do we know we�re still alive? Reverse Marie Kondo: the accumulation of our stuff; […]