
Most crowded opening of the week, month, possibly the year?

At Small Black Door artist Julie Torres has organized a huge group show that includes many of the founders of Bushwick(and Ridgewood) art spaces, projects, and online undertakings. Due to the number of artists involved and the diminutive size of the basement space, the show promises to be one of the most crowded openings…ever? Calling the show HEROES, Julie writes that it’s not about men in capes and women in spandex suits.

Nor is the title meant to imply that its participants risk their lives ensuring safety and order in the world each day. There are real people who do that, and they are true heroes for sure.

This show is about a different kind of hero.

I know that none of these artists would describe themselves as being particularly �heroic,� which I can certainly appreciate. But the truth is that they inspire and energize so many of us through the power of their own artwork, and also by sharing and communicating something larger than themselves.

These are artists who provide valuable insight into what other people are doing and what �else� is going on out there. They show and talk about other artists� work in a meaningful way, and provide venues for us to meet, look, think and engage both face-to-face and online. What they do takes time, energy, dedication and courage.

Maybe it�s human nature, but I always want to get better at things when I see other people doing them well. What is a hero but someone who inspires you to be better? 

The roster includes: Liz Atzberger (Airplane), John Avelluto (Bay Ridge Art Walk), Brett Baker (Painters’ Table), Paul
Behnke (Structure and Imagery), Deborah Brown (Storefront Bushwick), Sharon Butler (Two Coats of Paint–but you probably know that already), Kevin Curran (Airplane), Joy Curtis (Pioneers of Inspiration), Paul
D’Agostino (Centotto), Rob De Oude (Parallel Art Space), Lacey Fekishazy (Sardine), Enrico Gomez (Parallel Art Space), Chris Harding (English Kills),
Katarina Hybenova (Bushwick Daily), Lars Kremer (Airplane), Ellen Letcher (Famous Accountants), Amy Lincoln (The Laundromat), Loren Munk (The James Kalm Report),
Matthew Mahler (Small Black Door), Mike Olin (Pioneers of Inspiration), James Prez (artist/organizer), Kevin Regan (Famous Accountants), Jonathan Terranova (Small Black Door),
Austin Thomas (Pocket Utopia).

See you there.

“Heroes,” organized by Julie Torres, Small Black Door, Ridgewood, Queens, NY. September 14- October 14, 2012. On view Saturdays and Sundays, 1 to 6pm


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